The Professional Movie Newsletter

Keep your customers informed of new movies, upcoming movies, your schedules with times and ratings, links to official movie sites, news, gossip and free entertainment direct to their email inbox every week to help gain loyalty and build your business!

Now our newsletters include "buy tickets now!" buttons under each movie poster with times for those theatres that are members of either or - instantly increase your online purchases and give your customers the instant option of ordering tickets direct from their email! provides the ultimate solution for all sizes of Theatre owners. Whether you are a single cinema or a multi-chain we can deliver an ultra professional email newsletter every Thursday in time for your new releases and to kick start your weekend!

Enjoy viewing the site - examples and check out our LOW PRICES - feel free to contact us with any questions or comments!-

July 23 2003 - Premiere Theaters
joins the client list

June 2 2003 - Spotlight Theatres joins the client list.

click here to visit Spotlight Theatres
© 2003